Here you can find a selection of my personal works, realized with Autodesk Maya and other software.
Unless it's stated otherwise, I am responsible of every single aspect of these projects.
The Sentinel - test (w.i.p.)
The Sentinel (work in progress) from wick3d on Vimeo.
First playblast turnaround and a couple of render of my Sentinel poly model. The model has a full IK rig, but it's still a work in progress and some details need adjustments (in order even to try to replicate the incredible range of movement of which this creature is capable!). This render is a simple 3-point lighting setup with AO and standard Maya materials (first 3 image) and a default Final Gather setup with Sun&Sky (last image).
Bizarre Eye-TV Device
Eye-TV Device (fluid effect) from wick3d on Vimeo.
A NURBS model, rendered in multiple passes with Mental Ray and composited with some special effects in post. The fluid effect collides with the model and was rendered and added to the composite in a second moment. The transitions beetween each shot are also made directly in compositing, using some CC and light balance nodes.
Triclops Ogre
Triclops turnaround from wick3d on Vimeo.
The head of a Triclops ogre, poly-modeled by patch on a wire cage. Rendered using a mental ray SSS shader in two passes (color + occlusion).
The inspiration for this work comes from a great old model by the famous 3d artist known as Antropus.