A selection of videos and images that explains the various step of my work in each project. Sometimes, in this page, I'll post also images and considerations about projects that are still in progress.
I apologize for the lacking of material about my past works, but it's somewhat difficult to obtain the right footage to do video breakdowns from the companies.
The Sentinel (w.i.p) - making of
The Sentinel (work in progress) from wick3d on Vimeo.
A personal project inspired by the famous SF saga "The Matrix". The rig and setup is still sloppy on some details, but the final version will be full IK/FK controllable, each part selectable and keyable through a panel-GUI and the tentacles will be IK driven or dynamic driven.
The movie shows also some first test renders of the character.
Eye-TV Device (workflow breakdown)
"Unico" - breakdown movie
"Unico" making of from wick3d on Vimeo.
Just a simple video that shows my involvement in this commercial.