Demo Reels

Lighting Demo Reel 2014
Lighting demo reel 2014 from wick3d on Vimeo.

This demo reel is mainly about my lighting work on "The Nostalgist", a new sci-fi, live-action/CG short movie, shooted and post-produced in London in 2013, by Wonder Room Productions, in collaboration with Inky Mind UK. I was responsible for the lighting and rendering process of one of the protagonists of the movie, a photo-real CG creature, which is also the "subject" of the fatherly love of "the nostalgist" by the title...
I don't want to spoiler the story too much, so I suggest to visit The Nostalgist Website to know more about this touching and well crafted movie, based on the novel of the same name by the american writer Daniel H. Wilson and visually inspired by the best cyberpunk-based suggestions.

About my involvement, I mainly worked in a Maya/Vray/Deadline pipleine, to light the CG creature accordingly to the live-action plates and producing the necessary render passes. I also helped in the compositing process of some shots (Nuke) and created and lit some 3D props for set extensions or background enrichment.
During the last phase of the post-production process, I also helped as a production coordinator, together with the Director and the producers of the film.
You can download a PDF shot-by-shot breakdown here.

"The Nostalgist" Lighting Reel 

LIGHTING DEMO REEL 2014 from wick3d on Vimeo.

Here is a specific lighting reel about my last project, with more shots from the award winning movie. Stay in touch for the visual breakdowns of some interesting robot shots...

CG Demo Reel 2013

CG demo reel 2013 from wick3d on Vimeo.

A video about my lighting, texturing and compositing role on the main CG animated projects I worked on. This reel is a w.i.p., but I'm quite ready to complete it with some breakdown scenes, now that finally the companies have released them.

I hope you enjoy it! ;)

Live-Action/Commercial demo reel 2013
Live-action and commercial demo reel 2013 from wick3d on Vimeo.

This reel contains some older works, mainly TC commercials and live-action movies. I worked on these projects with various roles (animation, comper, rotoscope artist, lighting/surfacing artist), so I think it can well define my early 3D generalist attitude. 

I apologize for the low resolution, but I couldn't obtain better footage than this from the companies I worked for at that time.